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Boosting Genuine Communication Techniques

BGC&T offers a diverse range of language training programs, empowering you with confidence by developing authentic and effective communication techniques.


Flexibility and ability to provide tailored language trainings to enhance your foreign language communication skills and boost your confidence.

Immersive Learning

What could be better than walking around the city to learn urban vocabulary, know how to take an order in a café, or visit a cultural site?

Or release endorphins by going for a walk in the park or in nature, or simply take a break and have lunch while learning a language?

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Open Discussion
Gramatical Lessons

Do you need/prefer open discussions or classical grammatical lessons?

groupe d'étude

Individual Lessons
Small group Lessons

We offer both individual lessons and small group lessons of a maximum of three people.


Outdoor classes
Indoor/online classes

You prefer to get some fresh air or you are overloaded and don't have time, online courses are always possible of course.

Need more info? Contact us.

If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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